Pro-Tech Gun Cover, Fits Fusion AP Guns



The Pro-Tech Gun Cover is a silicone sleeve that covers the entire top the of the spray gun. It keeps guns free from over spray, safe from damage and allows for an easy tear down and rebuild process.


The Pro-Tech GC is a silicone sleeve that covers the entire top the of the spray gun. It keeps guns free from over spray, safe from damage and allows for an easy tear down and rebuild process.

Sprayers encounter issues all the time when dealing with over spray and gun malfunctions from excess spray foam buildup. The Pro-Tech GC keeps your spray gun healthy, maintenance free and increases the general longevity of the gun.

Keeping the spray gun in good repair, reducing overall maintenance hours and prolonging the life of your investment is top of mind for all sprayers. Having a gun go down in the middle of a job costs you the ability to get a job done well, on budget and on time.


  • Keeps overspray off gun
  • Makes gun easier to service
  • Protects gun from damage
  • Slips on and off easily
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